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The main innovations for the Green Card from 2025

19 December
From January 1, 2025, the new law "On mandatory civil liability insurance of owners of land vehicles" will come into effect. According to it, some conditions related to international automobile insurance "Green Card" — mandatory insurance for drivers traveling abroad by car, are changed.
1. It will not be possible to issue a green card today.
Until 2025, the Green Card can still be issued daily at the border (online - not). However, registration will be prohibited today. It will be possible to take out the insurance at the earliest - for tomorrow. This is stated in part 3 of article 11 of the law:
"An international insurance contract shall enter into force from 0 o'clock on the date of the beginning of the term of its validity, determined by such contract, but not earlier than the beginning of the day following the entry of such contract into the Unified Centralized Database"
This means that Ukrainians who will travel abroad in their car will need to buy a Green Card in advance - at least 1 day in advance. After all, if you remember about the insurance already at the border, then you can buy it at the earliest - for tomorrow. And you will have to wait at the border until the beginning of the next day, until the policy starts to take effect. Because without insurance you will not be allowed.
2. European countries recognize the electronic Green Card.
Until 2025, the MTSU recommended having a paper version of the Green Card, even if you applied online. However, from the new year, all participating countries of the "Green Card" system will have to accept electronic Green Cards.
This means that Ukrainians will be able to show the insurance PDF file from their smartphone, and there will be no need to print out the policy.
3. Introduce free pricing under Green Card contracts.
Until 2025, the cost of the Green Card was set by the MTSU, and it was the same for all insurance companies. From next year, insurers will be able to set prices independently.
All these changes are aimed at modernizing the insurance process, increasing competition in the market and strengthening protection against fraud. It is possible that some innovations will not work immediately from January 1, but during the year.