Since the beginning of the operation of the export corridor in the Black Sea, 321 infrastructure objects have been damaged in Ukrainian ports as a result of Russian attacks. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, spoke about this during the 3rd International Conference on Food Security Grain from Ukraine ("Grain from Ukraine").
On November 26, a meeting of the Subcommittee on Maritime Transport was held, at which the government draft law on amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the regulation of activities in the sphere of life protection and search and rescue at sea (No. 9283) was considered and prepared for the second reading.
The event was attended by Andriy KOLIVER, head of the Odesa customs office.
Reviewing the normative innovations in the customs sphere, we focused in detail on the introduction of the export security regime provided for by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 10/29/2024 No. 1261.